Who created the solitaire game?

Similarly to many other ancient games, Solitaire doesn’t have a particular creator. Instead of a concrete name, we have several theories explaining how it appeared in the world and why and where.
Solitaire creation is an exciting topic mainly because the game is still considered more than entertainment. Mathematicians prove their theories with it. Psychologists claim that the game helps us treat anxiety, while life coaches, ordinary fans and scientists are specific that solitaire can even upgrade our set of soft skills.
So going through the historical pages to meet these theories is definitely a must to be done task. Especially if you are so keen on playing online solitaire games!
The French theory
This theory is one of the most popular ones when it comes to seeking the solitaire roots. Even sources like Wikipedia or Google can tell you that this game was made in France. Recently, historians even created a majority gathered behind the theory that an aristocrat from France invented solitaire for nothing else but to avoid the risk of getting mad during his imprisonment in the Bastille.
Like many other wretches, this French guy was sent for life by the reign of King Louis XIV. And like any other person, he understood that if not a sickness or starvation, madness would put an end to his life. This is how solitaire comes as a salvation, and something a couple of centuries later will be made as a way to keep your mind awake!
The German impact on solitaire
During Europe's 17th and 18th centuries, cards were pretty popular elements in anyone’s sense of entertainment. Rulers, peasants, artists, and scientists played cards for some reason. Even literature paid its honour to card games, as in the late 18th century, a book called “The Little Harp” came to life.
You might already guess that this piece of writing was devoted to solitaire. Indeed, the remaining these days copies from “The Little Harp” show a game with cards and with pretty similar to Spider and other solitaire formats rules.
What does England have to do?
While till the 18th century, games were just coming out, in the 19th century they became solid elements of the culture and social life in Europe as a whole. This trend was noticeable mainly in the UK.
England has a significant role in the progress of solitaire development. As a matter of fact, it’s where the game got its name. Unlike many other popular games back in those days – poker, baccarat, blackjack – solitaire doesn’t need a partner or a competitor to play with or against. Solitaire is a game for one. It’s also a way to remain alone without boredom or solitude.
The interesting niche in the English theory is the origin of the name. Although solitude is close to solitaire, in many British books, it’s written that the game title comes from a French word – “solitare”, meaning “lonely”, but not “alone”. In other words, like nothing before, it seems that English people do kind of accept the French theory of the solitaire game origin.
The States and their revolutionizing influence on anything
Many great things receive their establishment, christening and popularity here in the USA. And this is what happens to Solitaire, too. Let’s face it: if it wasn’t Microsoft, no one would ever know what this game is, or at least few people could play it.
To be more specific, it’s a student working for Microsoft, who decided to add Solitaire patience game in the default Windows OS pack. Since this remarkable event in the late 90s of the 20th century, Solitaire hasn’t lost its prominent nature – the digital nature.
Yes, it was invented from papers, rocks and other raw materials. Still, the game's real purpose was to get inside one of the most extraordinary and meaningful discoveries of the last decades – the computer. And the computer itself keeps Solitaire alive today, too.
What’s the most logical theory according to you? Do you believe in the dark French prison nature of solitaire or prefer to call it the first addictive computer game of all time?