Key Terms and Elements in a Game of Klondike Solitaire

Solitaire is a classic card game that many people play alone. It's a fun and challenging game, but it can seem confusing if you're new to it. In this article, we'll explain some of the important words and phrases you'll hear when playing Solitaire. This will help you understand the game better and enjoy it even if you're just starting out.
What is a Foundation Pile?
Imagine four empty piles in the upper-right corner of the screen, each labeled with one of the four suits (hearts ♥️, diamonds ♦️, clubs ♣️, and spades♠️). As you play, these piles will fill up with cards in ascending order from Ace to King for each suit.
What is a Tableau Pile?
Visualize seven columns of cards in the main playing area. Some of the cards are face-up and visible, while others are face-down. You can move cards within and between these piles as long as they form descending sequences in alternating colors.
What is the Stock?
Envision a stack of face-down cards at the top-left or top-right corner of the screen. When you can't make any more moves in the tableau, you can draw cards from this stack one at a time.
What is a Waste Pile?
Think of a face-up pile next to the stock. Cards drawn from the stock are placed here, and you can play the top card from this pile.
What are Aces?
These are the lowest cards in the game, and you'll find them within the tableau. When you find one, picture yourself moving it to one of the empty foundation piles in the upper-right corner.
What is Building?
To build a sequence, imagine placing cards on top of one another in the tableau. For example, placing a red 8 on a black 9, and so on.
What is Ascending Order?
Envision the foundation piles with cards neatly stacked from Ace (the lowest) to King (the highest) in each suit.
What is a Descending Sequence?
Picture a sequence of cards in the tableau, like 9-8-7, and so on, with decreasing values.
What is Alternating Colors?
When building sequences in the tableau, imagine alternating between red and black cards. For example, if you have a black 9 the next card on top should be red (e.g., 8 of diamonds).
What is a King's Column?
Picture an empty column in the tableau, which can only be filled with a King or a sequence of cards starting with a King.
What are Face-up and Face-down Cards?
Visualize some cards in the tableau being face-up (visible) and others being face-down (hidden). You can only move and play the face-up cards, and you can turn face-down cards face-up by removing the cards on top of them.
We've covered some important words in Solitaire to make the game less confusing. Whether you're just beginning or have been playing for a while, knowing these words will help you enjoy Solitaire more. With these basics, you can confidently play different versions of the game and have more fun while winning. Have a great time playing Solitaire!